The 2025 edition of Hemlock Happenings, the newsletter for Hemlock Township is now available. You will be receiving a hard copy along with your spring tax bills.
Author: Eric Stahley
West Nile Virus
Mosquito season is in full swing in Columbia County! The peak
season typically runs from May through October. What does that
mean for you? Unfortunately, it means the risk for mosquito bites
and mosquito-borne pathogens is higher. Recently in Hemlock
Township, adult mosquitoes tested positive for West Nile Virus.
Now that West Nile virus activity has been found in the township,
here are a few recommendations to limit the spread. If you notice
mosquitoes in your backyard, check the area for standing water, in
particular unkept pools, tires, flowerpot saucers, bird baths,
clogged gutters/down spouting, drainage ditches, and other
containers. If you notice these habitats around your property, it is
important to drain or dump them as mosquitoes can go through
their entire life cycle in as little as four days. Not only could this be
a risk to you, but your community too.
Protecting yourself is also important. Mosquitoes are most active
from dusk to dawn and limiting your activity during this time can
limit your exposure to mosquito bites. Knowing that is not always
possible, if you plan to be outside wear long sleeves and/or
repellent that has at least 30% DEET to prevent bites.