

There will be recycling on September 7, 2024

Hemlock Township offers its residents recycling on the first Saturday of the month from 8:00 AM to noon. Recycling can be dropped off in the gravel lot next to the Township’s Police Station (26 Firehall Rd) where the company will have a trailer set up. You may be requested to show identification upon arrival at the drop off site to ensure that only Hemlock Township residents are utilizing this service. Curbside pick up is available in Hunter’s Chase, Foxtail, and Fernville. There is no monthly service on weekends that include a holiday or when there is a holiday in the week prior. If you have any questions please call the office at 570-784-6178 or you can email [email protected].

New Fee Schedule

The township has set new fees for all construction, sheds, garages, commercial structures and SALDO fees. Please click on Services and scroll to the bottom of the page to find a copy of the new fee schedule. Any questions can be directed to the Township Manager or the Zoning Officer. This is the first price adjustment in Hemlock Township since 2006.

Be Stormwater Smart

Urban stormwater runoff pollution is a problem that has no boundaries, and neither does the solution! While the DEP Bureau of Clean Water works with counties, towns and other municipalities, construction firms, and industries to help them follow regulations to reduce stormwater runoff, Pennsylvania residents can also do their part to reduce stormwater runoff. [read more]